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One of the 16 Afterlives.  This one is known to be full of powerful plants and animals, with landscapes changing overnight.  The night here is decided by a glowing orb in the center, which increases and decreases the amount of light it gives out in accordance with a normal day in the World of Mortals.


The landscapes varies, with certain regions rapidly transforming overnight.  This is one of the non-infinite afterlives, with landscape forming a globe, with the landscape on the inside of it.  Some of the more extreme formations are waterfalls that fall from the center of the globe, valleys that plunge away from the center, and areas comprised of fog.  Sometimes forests made of trees with iron hard wood and leaves with edges as sharp as blades form, and sometimes a swamp appears littered with plants that shoot out toxic spores.

Fauna & Flora

This afterlife is known to have multiple species residing inside of it that can eat souls. These souls are not destroyed, however they are trapped.  These souls are believed to sustain the plants and animals, although it is unknown.


This was created along with the other of the 16 Afterlives as shapeless balls of morality.  They were then formed into a cohesive shape when Gae created the second version of Purgatory and used the areas as the receptacles for the souls.  During this time, the species were created.  The tabaxi proved to disrupt the purpose, so were forced out of the afterlife and into the World of Mortals.
Alternative Name(s)
Dimensional plane
Location under


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