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Fire Dragon

A type of Dragon that separated from the Destroyer Dragon after the creation of fire by Fex, since the dragon was supposed to embody destruction and the fire was a form of destruction. As a form of the Destroyer Dragon, they have many things in common, such as the condition under which they will transform into a Black Dragon, which is that they accept help in destroying something.

Basic Information

Genetics and Reproduction

Fire dragons will seek out other fire dragons during abnormally hot summers and attempt to mate with other red dragons through spectacles of fire, and then the female will travel to a very hot place and lay their eggs there.

Growth Rate & Stages

They grow faster than other Dragons, reaching adulthood in only a couple centuries.

Ecology and Habitats

They crave heat, so they either will settle in a an already hot area, like deserts or volcanoes, or will scorch the area of its lair, creating a warm location for itself, sometimes allowing them to live in cold climates.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Can eat most types of meat, which they prefer raw. They hunt by prowling the area around their lair and pouncing on them. If they can swallow their prey whole, they will. They prefer challenging opponents. Older dragons sometimes have cults, which will protect them during hibernations where the cultists find monsters that will be a challenge for them.

Biological Cycle

Will hibernate through times of cold or food shortages. During this hibernation, they can subsist on nearly nothing, and often have set triggers that will wake them up.

Additional Information

Social Structure

The more powerful a fire dragon, the more respected. They will often determine this through mock battles, fighting for a few seconds until one backs down. If one insults another, they are not objected to killing each other, and the victor will not be challenged until they have healed.


Domesticated fire dragons are usually used in gladiator fights and killed while young.

Uses, Products & Exploitation

Their scales have innate magical power related to fire, and often serve as powerful focuses.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

They live in mostly hot places.

Average Intelligence

They are smart enough to develop plans to fight.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Their eyes produce a magical fire which is invisible to most mortals, and grants an innate sense of their surroundings.

Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions

They are not named at birth by their parents, but instead hear their names in their breath. This leads most of their names to be unpronounceable and long, so they generally shorten and simplify them.

Major Organizations

One is a revered figure in the Winter Tribes.

Beauty Ideals

The brighter and more colorful the fire they create, the more beautiful they are considered, although the definition of beautiful changes based on the area. For example, a fire dragon who lives in a mountain might prefer a blue fire, while those that live in a desert may prefer a golden fire.

Courtship Ideals

Two dragons competing for a mate spew fire in order to win the mate over.

Relationship Ideals

Romantic relationships are not encouraged, as fire dragons are generally territorial and don’t let others live close.

Common Etiquette Rules

Not to attack an injured dragon.

Common Customs, Traditions and Rituals

The mating ritual and cults feeding them.


They were created when when a new embodiment of destruction was created, fire, and split off from Destroyer Dragons.

Historical Figures

Geltham created dragons in general, and Fex invented fire.

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

Respect other species as sentient creatures, and gives them painless deaths, but consider themselves as entitled to their lives. Most fire dragons will not choose to eat other sentient creatures unless under dire circumstances.
Genetic Ancestor(s)
Average Physique
Very muscular, although not as muscular as that of a Destroyer Dragon.
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Red scales


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