Burneal Forest (BURN-ee-ul)

The trackless wastes of this vast northern expanse, primarily comprised of pine and fir, stretch for over a thousand miles.

  The Burneal Forest stretches for hundreds of miles, from the shore of the Dramidj Ocean to the bogs of Blackmoor. This sprawling realm of pines and firs harbors great northern elk, giant deer and other game, tempting Wolf and Tiger Nomads to hunt there. Little-known Flan savages called the Uirtag dwell in the interior, living in huts made of green boughs in the brief summer and in burrows dug into the ground during the long, cold winter. A few Chakji tribes on the forests' western fringe trade with Tiger Nomads and inhabitants of the Land of Black Ice (see Tiger Nomads). Incredibly reclusive and ever-dwindling tribes of grugach elves make their home here as well.  

The trackless wastes of the Burneal Forest

Burneal Forest
Forest, Boreal (Coniferous)
  Location in the Flanaess


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