Dapple Wood

Dapple Wood, which covers both banks of the Velverdyva, downriver from Kisail, is the major native Furyondian woodland resource.

  The northern portion of this small woodland is a major resource for Furyondy, which makes extensive use of its timber. Good-quality ipp, yarpick, and bronzewood are brought out steadily, and game is still fairly plentiful. Bugbears once roamed here, but have not been seen in a decade after rangers, knights, and militiamen hunted them without mercy. Black bears, wild dogs, poisonous snakes, and giant porcupines are the only real threats. Ships on the Velverdyva often put in at small, free-spirited shore villages in the woods at night, if they don't stop at the port of Kisail, upriver.   The quality of Dapple Wood ipp, yarpick and especially bronzewood is good. Tyneman has taken care to ensure that this wood is not plundered. Some 300 militia troops are stationed around the wood, based out of Kisail. They protect this woodland and the 800 or so woodsmen who make their living logging, trapping some rabbits, small deer and birds, and fishing the Velverdyva.   The southern half of the Dapple Wood lies entirely within the borders of Veluna. With the exception of the fringes that border the mountain, this wood is nearly as safe to explore as the northern stretch.   

The edge of the Dapple Wood

Archclericy of Veluna
Forest, Temperate (Seasonal)
  Location in the Flanaess


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