Garruth of Chendl

21st Level Human Paladin/Cleric

Played by Matthew MacGregor

Race: Human (Oeridian)
Level/Class: 18th Level Paladin (Oath of Devotion) / 2nd Level Cleric (War Domain) / 1 Epic Level
Alignment: Lawful Good

Hit Points: 215
STR:22 DEX:14 CON:18 INT:12 WIS:16 CHA:19   Height: 6 feet 1 inch
Weight: 198 lbs
Gender: Male
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Black
Complexion: Fair
Birthdate: Growfest 3, 581 CY   Biography: Garruth is the brother of Fhordon and Merrick , and the youngest child of Sir Conlan the True, a brave knight who fell at the Siege of Chendl during the Greyhawk Wars. Garruth was perhaps the most naturally gifted of the three brothers and he lived his life in reverence to his father's deeds.   Garruth spent his early years in Chendl, but after his elders recognized his rare aptitude, he was sent to the City of Greyhawk to train at the Temple of Heironeous. He was ordained as a cleric and aspired to join the Pious Templars of the Invincible One's faith. To prove himself worthy of such an extreme sect, Garruth set off with an adventuring band into the Cairn Hills to recover some holy relics that were plundered by a band of humanoids. On this journey it was discovered that the relics had fallen into the hands of some hobgoblins and Garruth's group tracked them into a dell of poisoned trees and bleached stone. Unfortunately it was here that disaster struck. In the thick of combat, several of Garruth's companions fled and Garruth was captured, despite the many foes he cleaved before being taken. He was the only survivor.   Recognizing Garruth as a powerful warrior, the hobgoblins planned to sacrifice him to their vile deity Maglubeyet through a ritualistic ceremony of flaying flesh and fire. But the wicked humanoids underestimated the condition of their captured foe and their plans were thwarted when he broke his bonds and fought his way free. Near death, he stumbled through the wilderness until lights appeared through the trees and the smell of hearth fire and cooking things beckoned him nearer.   And so it was, that Garruth of Chendl came upon Diamond Lake, a small mining town east of Greyhawk City. It was here, unexpected, that Garruth found his true calling and began what would be a meteoric rise to power and fame. After it became clear that this place was desperate for someone who believed in law and goodness, for someone who truly lived by the conviction of their ideals, Garruth came to suspect that his god had led him here for a transcendent purpose. In Diamond Lake Garruth forged a bond with another band of adventurers but this time took greater care in assessing their character and their worth.   In the years that followed Garruth would become a truly fearsome warrior and a champion for righteousness. Together with his newfound companions, Garruth swore to prevent the rise of Kyuss and the coming of the Age of Worms.

Campaign Status

Present Whereabouts
Garruth and his comrades are currently in the city of Alhaster on the north shore of the Nyr Dyv, fighting against the forces of Kyuss to stop the Age of Worms.

Year of Birth
581 26 Years old

Adventure History

599 CY
The Whispering Cairn
The Three Faces of Evil
Encounter at Blackwall Keep
The Hall of Harsh Reflections
The Champion's Belt
A Gathering of Winds
The Spire of Long Shadows

600 CY
The Prince of Redhand
The Library of Last Resort
Kings of the Rift
Into the Wormcrawl Fissure
Dawn of a New Age


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