Iron Hills

This central massif lies east of Irongate and is wholly allied with that city, yielding high-grade iron ore and precious metals.

  This massive highland is the realm of the great dwarven Kingdom of the Iron Hills, ruled by dwarf King Holgi Hirsute. Holgi is a close ally of the Iron League but is not beyond dealing with the Aerdi (with grave reluctance) to further his interests. Intrusions by Ahlissan scouts stir the dwarves’ not-unreasonable fear of invasion, but the dwarves and gnomes are numerous, heavily armed, and unforgiving. Dwarf-run mines have produced high grade ore for centuries, in addition to precious metals such as gold and silver.  
The city of Bronzegate in the Iron Hills
United Kingdom of Ahlissa
Rolling Hills
 Location in the Flanaess


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