
16th Level Human Wizard

Played by Christopher Johnson

Race: Human (Oeridian)
Level/Class: 16th Level Wizard (Evoker)
Alignment: Neutral Good

Hit Points: 94
STR:8 DEX:14 CON:14 INT:22 WIS:14 CHA:11   Height: 5 feet 10 inches
Weight: 170 lbs
Gender: Male
Eyes: Black (formerly Blue)
Hair: Dark Brown
Complexion: Fair
Birthdate: Richfest 3, 580 CY   Biography: The mage Archimedes de May never took on an apprentice, but he did often employ a number of assistants, none staying around for long – save one: Isidore. Showing great promise, Archimedes sent Isidore on a relentless number of errands to satisfy his immense thirst for knowledge. Isidore was often sent to investigate rumors or vague references in a text, many seemingly pointless. Isidore's tasks grew in complexity and danger, as Archimedes had designed them to be a series of tests and challenges, much in the same way he first learned the ways of magic. Archimedes was molding Isidore to be a wizard in his own fashion.   Soon Isidore lusted for the next task his employer/mentor demanded of him. His own thirst for knowledge and adventure arising to the fore. But by then, Archimedes had gone on another mission and was long overdue. Isidore feared the worst, somehow knowing that some awful fate must have befallen him. His concern for Archimedes combined with unbearable restlessness, prompted Isidore's decision to go in search for the missing mage. But where to start?   Isidore's search led him further and further abroad, and eventually he began to give up hope of locating his lost mentor, presuming him dead. Yet his search had brought him to the town of Goldenridge in the southern borders of the Kingdom of Keoland. There, the wizard met Geoffrey Antillus Aspensore IV, a young paladin who was gathering adventurers for a quest of his own. Dejected from his failure to locate Archimedes, and nearly depleted of funds, Isidore eagerly joined the paladin's neophyte band.   What followed was a tale of epic proportions. From the group's capture at the hands of a drow raiding party, to their escape into the Underdark, to their long and arduous adventure returning to the surface world, Isidore slowly grew in power as his mastery over magic was repeatedly put to the test. Having formed a strong bond with his fellow adventurers, the group then answered the call for aid from the Archbarony of Nume Eor. The primary roads through the land were beset by banditry and attacks by aggressive lizardfolk coming out of the Hool Marshes in droves. Ultimately, the machinations of an undead lizard man named Sakatha was determined to be the cause and Isidore was instrumental in the task of laying him low.   The fame of their adventuring band had attained a reverential status for their previous accomplishments, and so, they were summoned by King Brogan Stoneheart of Urrakbek-Duum, where they were implored to return to the Underdark to see if they could solve the mystery surrounding the presence of the powerful demon princes wreaking havoc below. It was during this stretch of his adventuring that Isidore rose to a fearsome level of might and power. The experience also permanently changed him in a variety of startling ways. It is difficult to summarize the great deeds of Isidore during the final days of his efforts to thwart the plans of the demon lords and the drow priestess Eclavdra. The wizard put himself at enormous personal risk many times and sacrificed the sanctity of his physical form, which has now been altered in frightening ways. Due to a dreadful encounter with a restless spirit, Isidore has experienced an unnatural aging, causing him to appear a decade older than his years would imply. His once-blue eyes have now been turned an ebony black, sclera and all; a fate he suffered after enduring a long reading of the abominable Book of Vile Darkness. Stranger still, it is said that Isidore's own blood has taken on a toxic acidity; a result of his heroic realignment of an ancient device known as the Maze Engine.   Isidore's accomplishments and service to the Flanaess cannot be overstated. It is due to his mastery over magic that the world was spared a terrible fate, and that the plans of the megalomaniac drow priestess Eclavdra were foiled for good and all.   Now, the great mage has retired to a tower on the western shores of the Azure Sea to contemplate his past experiences. And while he finds some measure of peace as his inky eyes look eastward to the sun rising peacefully over the water each day, always his thoughts reach back westward, into the adventures of his recent past and the enemies he might have left behind.

Campaign Status

Present Whereabouts
Residing in a tower on the western shores of the Azure Sea.

Year of Birth
580 27 Years old

Adventure History

605 CY
Out of the Abyss (Part I)
Tomb of the Lizard King

606 CY
Out of the Abyss (Part II)


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