Jahosophax Knelman

20th Level Deep Gnome Rogue/Wizard

Played by Anthony Vitale II

Race: Deep Gnome (Svirfneblin)
Level/Class: 13th Level Rogue (Assassin) / 7th Level Wizard (Illusionist)
Alignment: Chaotic Good

Hit Points: 134
STR:12 DEX:18 CON:14 INT:18 WIS:14 CHA:14   Height: 3 feet 3 inches
Weight: 90 lbs
Gender: Male
Eyes: Gray
Hair: Bald
Complexion: Gray
Birthdate: Patchwall 11, 455 CY   Biography: Although he was born in the svirfneblin city of Grundlingarvin, Jahosophax Knelman has no memory of that place or his kin. The deep gnome was raised by a family of rock gnomes in the Good Hills, and so more closely resembles that race’s mannerisms. He is friendly and sociable, possessing a prankster’s mentality and a sharp wit. Together with his dearest friend Bill Bobaggins, he has managed to acquire a vast collection of treasure and magic that the two have tucked away in their home in the Good Hills. Jahosophax is fond of using his illusionary magic to support his broad range of skills and abilities. The clever fellow is often mixed up in a scheme of some kind with Bill, and trouble seems to follow the inseperable pair wherever they go.


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