Danger at Dunwater

The little fishing town of Saltmarsh is threatened! Why are lizard men gathering force nearby and why have they been buying large quantities of weapons? A party of bold adventurers must answer these questions or the people of Saltmarsh will never live in peace!
  Aband of mercenaries under the hire of the paladin Geoffrey Antillus Aspensore III answered the call for aid from the Town Council of the quiet fishing town of Saltmarsh, located in the far southeastern Barony of Salinmoor in the Kingdom of Keoland. The group was recruited to explore the old mansion of an evil alchemist that had been frightening the townsfolk because of mysterious lights and ghostly sounds emanating from the place in recent months. The mission was to explore the dilapidated place and put an end to whatever the cause of the hauntings might be.   Once within the mansion, it quickly became apparent that the potential menace was something other than “ghostly.” A smuggling operation was being run from the old house, and the strange lights served the purpose of signaling an illicit cargo ship out at sea, as well as helping to keep the local townsfolk frightened.   Geoffrey and his band eventually fought through to the chief of operations of the smuggler ring, Sanbalet, an accomplished illusionist. After defeating the spellcaster and his gnoll bodyguards, the heroes were asked by the Town Council to stage an attack on the nefarious vessel known as “The Sea Ghost,” which was the ship working with the smugglers in Saltmarsh. Eager to put an end to the ring once and for all, Geoffrey agreed and secretly boarded the ship at night. After a fierce battle with the crew who fought to defend the vessel, the heroes of Saltmarsh defeated the smugglers. However, a troubling fact was learned in the assault: the smugglers had been running weapons to a colony of lizard men for some months prior. After the Town Council thoroughly examined the ship’s logs, it became clear that the lizard man colony had been preparing for a major attack of some kind. Could this location be the nearby fishing town of Saltmarsh? After their astounding prior successes, Geoffrey and his band were asked to continue their good work and investigate the lizard man colony to discover their true intentions.
Adventurers: Geoffrey Antillus Aspensore III, Vixen Venderbolt, Bilgoff Northman, Delgoff Northman, Bill Bobaggins, Jahosophax Knelman   Level: 1-4   Oerth Date: Flocktime 1st, 576 CY   Location: Kingdom of Keoland, Viscounty of Salinmoor, Town of Saltmarsh
Earth Date: 1984 AD   Players: Anthony Vitale II   Dungeon Master: Derek Lloyd


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