
5th Level Human Cleric

Played by Keith Lawson

Race: Human (Oeridian)
Level/Class: 5th Level Cleric (War Domain)
Alignment: Chaotic Good

Hit Points: 43
STR:19 DEX:10 CON:15 INT:10 WIS:16 CHA:12   Height: 5 feet 11 inches
Weight: 195 lbs
Gender: Male
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Brown
Complexion: Fair
Birthdate: Reaping 17, 579 CY   Biography: Kalas found his calling as a worshiper of Trithereon after several members of the faith proved instrumental in starting an insurrection against the local magistrates that presided over the small village of Stormhaven. His hatred for the oppressive leadership installed by the royal decree of Ahlissa infuriated the young man, and Kalas studied the teachings of the Summoner in secret and soon found himself an important member of the rebellious uprising. Despite the hopeless odds stacked against them, the people of Stormhaven surged against their Ahlissan leaders and slew many members of the local baron's men.   Kalas was forced to flee from Stormhaven, but the legacy of his deeds and the accomplishments of the Trithereon faith gained much renown. The young cleric developed a folk hero status and sometimes finds himself being recognized by those who also champion his cause.   In time, Kalas found himself forced to seek refuge in the crowded city of Naerie. There he managed to blend in with the throngs of people and maintain a low profile until he could plan his next move. It was here that he was approached by a dwarf named Amos Dunstan who was seeking companions to aid him on a quest to recover his lost cousin who disappeared somewhere further to the south. Convinced by the dwarf's plea and influenced by his own need for funds and allies, Kalas agreed to accompany Amos, along with the others he had recruited.

Campaign Status

Present Whereabouts
Kalas was last seen heading east of Phandalin with his comrades.

Year of Birth
579 28 Years old

Adventure History

604 CY
Lost Mine of Phandelver


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