Lasher Flametongue

5th Level Elf Wizard

Played by George Collins

Race: Elf (High)
Level/Class: 5th Level Wizard (Diviner)
Alignment: Neutral Good

Hit Points: 31
STR:10 DEX:14 CON:14 INT:16 WIS:10 CHA:11   Height: 5 feet 11 inches
Weight: 150 lbs
Gender: Male
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Brown
Complexion: Fair
Birthdate: Sunsebb 18, 474 CY   Biography: Lasher came from an elven family that lived in the Feyt Circle of Naerie City in the County of Idee. Both of his parents were well-educated members of the upper-class, having earned much repute as excellent scribes and sages. Lasher's mother also had a talent for small magicks and would occasionally gather and sell magical supplies and components to the wizards of the city. Lasher was trained well in the arts of his parents, realizing early in life his own aptitude for wizardry. Lasher's sister, his only sibling, was also a capable student in her own right. However, her skills trended towards her deep love of music and she departed from Naerie City to seek training elsewhere as a bard. As the years passed, his sister would return with news and stories of the world abroad, until one day she arrived with rumors of the Scarlet Brotherhood.   During the Greyhawk Wars, the lands of Idee fell under the rule of the red robed monks of the Tilvanot Peninsula and Lasher's family was sorely challenged. During that period of occupation, Lasher's father was forced to work for the Brotherhood under threat of harm to his wife and son. Knowing that the situation was untenable, they fled the city and took to the small towns and wilderness en route to Sunndi to escape from the oppressive rule of the Scarlet Brotherhood. It was during this period of living in this region that Lasher himself became obsessed with the lore surrounding the Scarlet Brotherhood, their Suel ancestry, and the secretive lands from which they came. He even began writing his own histories on the organization, seeking out whatever bits of information he could acquire about them.   After several years in the valley kingdom of Sunndi, Lasher's father desired to return to Idee, to what was now called the Principality of Naerie. He knew that the place would have been forever changed, but at least the Scarlet Brotherhood and their sinister agents had been chased out by Ahlissan "liberators." There, Lasher's family was able to resume a semblance of the business they had before, but the city was still just a shadow of its former self. Lasher began to consider embarking on his own journey, finding that the need for his family's offered services were of depleted use.   It was then that Lasher encountered a dwarf named Amos Dunstan that had come from the north on a quest to locate the whereabouts of his missing cousin. The stout fellow had already gathered a few others to his party and Lasher's magical talents made him a perfect addition to the group. Soon after, Lasher set out from the city of Naerie on a journey southwards that would set him against a drow known as the Black Spider, and involve him in the struggle to restore the Lost Mine of Phandelver back into the hands of Phandalin's beleaguered citizenry. What's more, clues of Scarlet Brotherhood agents still active within the region have piqued Lasher's interests to further exploration.

Campaign Status

Present Whereabouts
Lasher was last seen heading east of Phandalin with his comrades.

Year of Birth
476 131 Years old

Adventure History

604 CY
Lost Mine of Phandelver


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