
20th Level Elf Ranger

Played by Kevin Driscoll

Race: Elf (Wild)
Level/Class: 20th Level Ranger
Alignment: Neutral Good

Hit Points: 80
STR:20 DEX:17 CON:15 INT:18 WIS:14 CHA:16   Height: 5 feet 2 inches
Weight: 112 lbs
Gender: Male
Eyes: Black
Hair: Black
Complexion: Fair
Birthdate: Needfest 6, 451 CY   Biography: The saga of the Crimson Elf is a tale of inner conflict and uncertainty. Nifda, formerly of the Whitebow Clan of the Burneal Forest, sacrificed the very heart of his being to complete the cycle of Elven propagation on Oerth. Both trapped and guided by fate for most of his life, the wild elf now possesses skin of crimson red and eyes of ebony hue – giving him a most sinister appearance. His visage has been likened to that of a fiend and he is now generally feared by common men. Since this transformation, Nifda has struggled with his responsibilities in regards to being the “father” of a new race. A cult of sorts has arisen among many elves who have found an affinity towards the element of fire, and in typical fashion to others of their kind, have developed ways to harness and utilize it. Nifda spent several years among these elves, who revered him as some sort of hero-deity. After spending considerable time in self-reflection, the once-grugach has decided to return to the company of his closest friends, checking in on the colony of fire elves in the Hellfurnaces as often as he can.   Nifda is always accompanied by his great charcoal-colored wolf, Aventhaar. The two became spirit-bonded when Nifda encountered the beast lingering in the region of the Burneal Forest where his clan once dwelt, and they have remained fiercely loyal to one another ever since.

Campaign Status

Present Whereabouts
Can often be found in either the fortress of Dorbek-Duum, the Gnarley Forest , the City of Greyhawk, or the Hellfurnaces .

Year of Birth
451 156 Years old

Adventure History

589 CY
Eye of the Serpent

590 CY
Keep on the Borderlands
Oasis of the White Palm
The Lost Tomb of Martek

592-593 CY
Greyhawk Ruins

593 CY
Dragon Mountain: The Liberation of Dorbek-Duum

594 CY
The Gates of Firestorm Peak

595 CY
The Weaponmaster

598 CY
Isle of the Ape


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