Phostwood (FOST-wood)

The phosphorescent glow of dying phostwood trees in this unique forest cast a haunting spell over this beleaguered battleground.

  The phosphorescent glow of dying phost trees, unique to this wood, make this a haunting forest at night. The forest is now a ghastly battleground between the forces of Iuz, Tenh, the Pale, and various bandit groups and refugees from Iuz's realm.  
The ghostly trees of the Phostwood
The Phostwood, despite its size, is only home to small groups of poorly organized and competing races and factions. Around a thousand feral wood elves, including a handful of grugach, the same number of ogres, marauding Fists, fifteen hundred or more Tenha exiles desperately trying to stay alive, a few Nyrondese patrols and some Theocracy spy patrols can be found in the leafy glades of the wood, but there are no fixed settlements of any size and the poor quality of the wood and hunting here has never encouraged any race or group to proclaim dominion over the woodlands. The disconcerting, eerie night-time light of the phosphorescent dead wood here is said to attract spectral undead, will-o'-the-wisps, and other deadly but diverse monsters into the deepest forest recesses, but few bother to explore them.
Theocracy of the Pale
Forest, Temperate (Seasonal)
  Location in the Flanaess


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