Rieuwood (REE-yoo-wud)

This great forest within Sunndi is composed of mighty ipp trees and is heavily patrolled and defended by gray elves and many rangers.

This forest lies entirely within northern Sunndi. Its mighty ipp trees stretch between the Hollow Highlands and the foothills of the Glorioles. It is heavily patrolled and defended by gray elves and many rangers, in case Ahlissa ever invades across the Grayflood This was the site of two major battles in 577 (failed invasion by South Province) and 593 CY (Osson's liberation of Sunndi). Aided by spellcasters, the elves favor illusionary camouflage and terrainchanging magic if faced with any incursions.
Kingdom of Sunndi
Forest, Temperate (Seasonal)
  Location in the Flanaess


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