Shamus Rye of the Rhennee

21st Level Half-Elf Fighter/Rogue

Played by Adam Zaremba

Race: Half-Elf (Unknown)
Level/Class: 6th Level Fighter (Champion) / 14th Level Rogue (Scout)
Alignment: Neutral Good

Hit Points: 231
STR:16 DEX:22 CON:19 INT:15 WIS:12 CHA:11   Height: 5 feet 5 inches
Weight: 172 lbs
Gender: Male
Eyes: Green
Hair: Reddish Brown
Complexion: Ruddy Tan
Birthdate: Fireseek 19, 574 CY   Biography: What life Shamus can recall prior to his arrival in the small mining town of Diamond Lake, was filled with fear, misery, and loneliness. His strange appearance and timid nature made him the target for abuse and ridicule for as far back as he can remember. While it's clear that he has some elven blood in his veins, the mystery of his other heritage was unknown until very recently. Shamus spent many years living among the Attloi – the nomadic, land-dwelling Rhenee people that travel around the territories of the Nyr Dyv. His time with them was largely spent as a servant – little more than a slave – and he made little in the way of friendships among any of these folk despite how long he spent in their company.   Eventually, Shamus sought to escape even this pathetic existence he had carved out for himself. Over the years he had become accustomed to beatings, but as he grew older and tougher, the more intimidating members of the Attloi began to increase their ferocity towards him. And so, one evening as the Attloi plied their trade in Diamond Lake, Shamus slipped away into the hills north of town and remained there long after the wagons had departed. There he remained for some years, living sparsely off the land and stealing what meager sustenance he could from the townsfolk as he crept among the ramshackle buildings at night.   Upon a time, Shamus was discovered by none other than Caine Blackhand, who caught the wild man in the act of stealing food from his knapsack. Being a kind and generous man, he managed to befriend Shamus, who by this time looked like some crazed humanoid creature, so thick was the dirt and grime that covered him from his long time living in the wilderness. Something about the wild man filled Caine with pity, and he frequently returned to the hills north of town to aid the strange fellow. In time, they came to speak to one another, and eventually a friendship was formed. To be sure, this was almost certainly a singular event at this point in Shamus's life, and the experience changed him in some way.   Over the subsequent years, Shamus would become almost an entirely different person. Caine himself joined with a band of adventurers who had come to Diamond Lake for various reasons, and together they began to explore the old Whispering Cairn, not far from the cave that Shamus had been dwelling in. He introduced Shamus to the group, and as it happened, the half-man was able to offer some valuable skills that he had learned in his time living among the Attloi and on his own in the wilderness. In time, he forged a fierce loyalty to these new comrades, who like Caine, treated him kindly and without harsh judgment.   Ultimately, Shamus would prove instrumental in the terrible threat known among the wise as the Age of Worms. Together with his friends, they thwarted the minions of the worm god, Kyuss, and the horrific monsters that served that dreadful entity. In the end, the once lowly nomadic half-man that lived in perpetual fear of even small threats, stood side-by-side with his allies in combat with an awakening deity. Such dramatic transformations are rare, and Shamus represents the very epitome of how the awakening of the champion's spirit can lie dormant for many years before suddenly being kindled in the fires of friendship and camaraderie.

Campaign Status

Present Whereabouts
Shamus has been seen in the region of Alhaster, often with Tift Greenbarrow, helping with the defense and support of the city.

Year of Birth
574 33 Years old

Adventure History

599 CY
The Whispering Cairn
The Three Faces of Evil
Encounter at Blackwall Keep
The Hall of Harsh Reflections
The Champion's Belt
A Gathering of Winds
The Spire of Long Shadows

600 CY
The Prince of Redhand
The Library of Last Resort
Kings of the Rift
Into the Wormcrawl Fissure
Dawn of a New Age


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