Stark Mounds

These age-worn hills divide Geoff from Sterich, and are presently still beset by monsters, giants, and undead lingering from the terrible Battle of Gorna in 450 CY.

  The age-worn Stark Mounds divide Geoff from Sterich, and were once claimed by the former. The mounds themselves are not mineral-rich, and given the 584 CY invasion by Crystalmist monsters and giants, as well as the undead remaining from the terrible Battle of Gorna in 450 CY, it can be said that the only thing now mined from the Stark Mounds is suffering. Some gnomes and dwarves have returned to the southern hills, claimed by Stench since that nation's liberation, and now strike north against the nonhumans there.  
Grand Duchy of Geoff
Rolling Hills
 Location in the Flanaess


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