
An imposing forest of massive trees that forms the eastern border of Celene.

The giant trees of the Welkwood
The extent of the Welkwood is obvious to the observer, for its limits are easily defined by its growth. Ipt trees grow to heights of 100 feet or more, while the mighty roanwoods are taller still. Even the locusts, elders, and maples grow to unusual size, so the whole woodland is most imposing.   Celene lays claim to the entire forest, but only controls the portion west of the Jewel River. The western glades border Celene, and are home to wood and high elves, faerie folk, unicorns, and a few treants. Many hardy woodsmen live here, as do refugees from Wild Coast towns overrun by Pomarj nonhumans. The woodsmen of the Welkwood are especially strong and hardy folk, renowned throughout the land as huntsmen, trackers, and adventurers. The total human population of the Welkwood is around 12,000; the elven population is perhaps one-third that.
Faerie Kingdom of Celene
Forest, Temperate (Seasonal)
  Location in the Flanaess


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