Common Year Timeline

This timeline details the long history of the eastern portion of the continent of Oerik, called the "Flanaess" by those who dwell there.

Before Common Year

5515 1

  • -5515 BCY

    Suloise Dating (SD) begins.
    Era beginning/end

    The Suloise civilization establishes its first calendar.

  • -5200 BCY

    Olven Migrations
    Population Migration / Travel

    The olven (elven) people begin to appear in great numbers on Oerth.

  • -4462 BCY

    Drow Banished
    Diplomatic action

    The drow (dark elves) are banished into the underdark by the unification of the other elven sub-races.

  • -4462 BCY

    Olven Calendar (OC) Begins
    Cultural event

    A new olven calendar is established to signify the sundering of the drow from the rest of the olven people.

  • -3729 BCY

    Dwur Surface
    Population Migration / Travel

    The dwur (dwarves) make first contact with the upperworld races.

  • -3519 BCY

    Dwur Annum (DA) Begins
    Cultural event

    The dwur (dwarves) establish a secondary calendar to commemorate their rise to the surface world.

  • -2659 BCY

    Baklunish Hegira (BH) Begins
    Cultural event

    The Baklunish civilization establishes its first calendar.

  • -2150 BCY

    Flan Tracking (FT) Begins
    Cultural event

    The Flan people establish their first calendar.

  • -1515 BCY

    Bright Desert is Formed
    Disaster / Destruction

    Sulm, a Flannish realm in the Bright Desert, is destroyed by Shattados, its last king, and his subjects are transformed into hideous aberrations by an evil deity.

  • -1124 BCY

    Queen Ehlissa's Marvelous Nightengale Created
    Artistic creation

    It is said that Xagy and the goddess Joramy worked together to create this sacred artifact and gave it to Queen Ehlissa, the last in a line of benevolent rulers.

  • -1120 BCY

    Keraptis Settles in White Plume Mountain

    It is rumored that Keraptis grew to covet the volcano's secrets and used all his powers and forces to wrest the place from its former occupants.

  • -1120 BCY

    Keraptis Banished from Tostencha
    Civil action

    After four hundred years, the tyrranical wizard-king Keraptis is ousted from his self-proclaimed title of "protector" of Tostencha, a grand mountainside city of wide streets and towering ziggurats.

  • -824 BCY

    Oeridian Record (OR) Begins
    Cultural event

    For ages, tribes of Oeridian horse barbarians inhabited the steppes and foothills of what is now Ull. Over two centuries before the fall of the Baklunish and Suloise empires, these barbarians united in a single confederation to resist incursions by imperial Baklunish across the Ulsprue Mountains and by nomadic Baklunish to the north. This event marks the start of the Oeridian Record.

  • -485 BCY

    Beginning of the Baklunish-Suloise Wars
    Military action

    After long years of strife and conflict between these two great empires, war is declared.

  • -466 BCY

    First Employment of Humanoid Mercenaries
    Military action

    The hordes of euroz (orcs) and associated humanoids used as mercenaries by both sides in the Baklunish-Suloise Wars, tended to pillage northwards and eastwards, driving the Oerids before them.

  • -458 BCY

    Oerid Eastern Migrations at Peak Point
    Population Migration / Travel

    The fierce Oeridian tribes moved east, thrusting aside Flan and Suloise in their path.

  • -447 BCY

    Suloise Migration Begins
    Population Migration / Travel

    The Suel Peoples, mainly fleeing from the great wars in the Suloise Empire, moved northwards through the Kendeen (Harsh) Pass of the southern Crystalmist Mountains (now known as the Hellfurnaces) and spread out in all directions.

  • -425 BCY

    Scarlet Brotherhood Founded

    The Brotherhood was founded in the last years of the Baklunish-Suloise Wars to combat what its members saw as the dilution of Suel virtues and superiority; its express purpose was the "purification" of Suel blood and behavior, with the concomitant and inevitable rule.

  • -422 BCY

    Axe of the Dwarvish Lords Lost
    Cultural event

    Legend relates that the greatest dwarf who ever lived, the first Dwarven King, forged this weapon in volcanic fires with the aid of a patron god. It passed from dwarven monarch to dwarven monarch until it was lost in the Invoked Devastation centuries gone. Rumors persist of the appearance of the Axe from time to time in various places, but it supposedly bears a curse.

  • -422 BCY

    Age of Glory Ends
    Era beginning/end

    When the Rain of Colorless Fire ended the Age of Glory and brought down the Empire, the tribes (Suloise) decided to seek their fate to the east, in the lands of the Flan.

  • -422 BCY

    Invoked Devastation and Rain of Colorless Fire
    Disaster / Destruction

    A group of Suloise arcanists utilize knowledge gained from an ancient and mysterious device known as the "Maze Engine" to discover the location of an artifact that might bring about the Invoked Devastation upon the Baklunish people. This cataclysmic event caused thick clouds of virulent grey to quickly engulf their enemy's lands, vaporizing all living matter they touched. As the decaying nature of the Gray Wastes bled into the Baklunish Empire, all life for hundreds of miles was annihilated in a single strike, leaving no trace of habitation. When the Invoked Devastation came upon the Baklunish, their own magi drew upon the horrific secrets contained within the "Codex of Infinite Planes" and brought down the Rain of Colorless Fire in a last terrible curse, and this so affected the Suloise Empire as to cause it to become the Sea of Dust. The Suloise lands were inundated by a nearly invisible fiery rain which killed all creatures it struck, burned all living things, ignited the landscape with colorless flame, and burned the very hills into ash.

  • -422 BCY

    Cup and Talisman of Al'Akbar Appear
    Artistic creation

    This pair of holy relics were given by the gods of the Paynims to their most exalted high priest in the days following the Invoked Devastation. It was lost to demi-human raiders and was last rumored to be somewhere in the Southeastern portion of the Bandit Kingdoms.

  • -400 BCY

    Suel Banished to Margins of Flanaess
    Population Migration / Travel

    To the far north, four of the strongest and fiercest Suel clans managed to retain large stretches of ground as Suloise. The majority of the Suelites were pushed to the extreme south, into the Amedio Jungle, the Tilvanot Peninsula, the Duxchan Islands, and even as far as across the narrow Tilva Straight into Hepmonaland.

  • -400 BCY

    Battles for Control of Central Flanaess Begins
    Military action

    For two centuries Oerid and Suel battled each other and the fragmenting humanoid hordes for possession of the central area of the Flanaess, incidentally engaging the Flannish and demi-humans. In a few places the two racial stocks intermixed – notably the Sheldomar Valley – held by the Suel Houses of Rhola and Neheli.

  • -325 BCY

    Jurnre Founded

    In the aftermath of the final Bakluni-Suel conflict, the Suel lordling Immris of Rhola rallied his household, crossed the Crystalmist Mountains, and made his way across the Sheldomar basin. Entering into an alliance with the local halflings and gnomes, they founded a citadel on what they dubbed the Hill of Stars above the banks of the Kewl River.

  • -217 BCY

    Founding of the Kingdom of Aerdy

    The strongest tribe of the Oeridians, the Aerdi, settled the rich fields east of the Nyr Dyv and there founded the Kingdom of Aerdy, eventually to be renamed the Great Kingdom.

  • -194 BCY

    Exploration of the Solnor Ocean
    Discovery, Exploration

    In eastern Oerik, some small but farsighted groups living near the Gull Cliffs of the coast developed some skill at maritime travel. The travelers were of mixed stock, Oerid and Flannae, and part of the newly formed kingdom of Aerdy. The persistent Aquaerdians generated two major seafaring explorations, both of which successfully returned with news of land far eastward.

  • -122 BCY

    Aquaerdians Migrate Across the Solnor Ocean
    Population Migration / Travel

    Disenchanted by a warlike turn of events in their homeland, most of the remaining Aqua-erdians left Aerdy by sea, migrating eastward across the Solnor Ocean. Those who remained became the ancestors of the Sea Barons, now virtually independent, but swearing fealty to the Overking at Rauxes.

  • -110 BCY

    Battle of a Fortnight's Length
    Military action

    After several decades of increasing growth, power, and prestige, Aerdy embarked upon a series of conquests, the greatest of which was the defeat of the Nyrondal cavalry squadrons at the Battle of a Fortnight's Length.

  • -110 BCY

    Great Kingdom Established

    Thereafter, Aerdy was known as the Great Kingdom, whose monarch held sway from the Sundi swamplands in the south, westwards along the shores of the Telfic Gulf and the Sea of Yar, to the Nyr Dyv and from thence northwards through the Shield Lands and beyond the Tenh.

Common Year

1 and beyond

  • 1 CY

    Overking Crowned in Rauxes
    Political event

    The first Overking was Nasran from the House of Cranden. Proclaiming universal peace, Nasran saw defeated Suloise, Flan and rebellious humanoid rabbles of no consequence and no threat to the vast might of Aerdy.

  • 1 CY

    Common Year (CY) Begins
    Cultural event

    The Common Year is established as the system of reckoning by Grand Prince Nasran I of the Great Kingdom of Aerdy, when he declares universal peace throughout his the land.

  • 168 CY

    25 Goodmonth

    Crissin Dustdune Born
    Life, Birth

    Crissin Dustdune is born in the Dry Steppes.

  • 576 CY

    13 Planting

    The Sinister Secret of Saltmarsh

    A group of heroes arrive in the small fishing village of Saltmarsh and discover the truth about the hauntings of a local haunted house. The "hauntings" turn out to be nothing more than an elaborate scheme to keep the nosey townsfolk away from a smuggling operation based at the house. The heroes foil the plot and uncover a few unsettling details.

  • 576 CY

    1 Flocktime

    Danger at Dunwater

    Soon after the smuggling ring of Saltmarsh was foiled, the same heroes are hired by the town to follow up on leads which indicate an imminent attack on the village by a nearby tribe of lizardfolk. After a reasonably cautious approach, the party discovers that the lizardfolk are not interested in Saltmarsh at all, but rather are preparing for an assault on a nearby Sahuagin clan that occupies the lizardfolk's former lair.

    More reading
    Danger at Dunwater