
The Baklunish people have golden-hued skin rones. Eye color is commonly gray-green or green, with gray uncommon and hazel rare. Hair color ranges from blue-black to dark brown. Ekbir, the Tiger omads, Ull, and Zeif typify the Straight Baldunish strain. The Wolf nomads are intermarried with the Rovers of the Barrens, so they show the darker Flan blood. Ket is so mixed with Suel and Oeridian blood as to be the least typical of the Bak­lunish race, for the people of Ket are pale yellow or golden-brown or tan in skin color, with virtually any hair color possible save the lightest yellow and reds. Both the Paynim tribes and Tusmit show occasional admixture, also.   The Baklunish are settled mainly in the northwestern regions of the Flanaess. Zeif, Ull, Ekbir and the Tiger Nomads are the best examples of pure Baklunish folk. Their skin tends to be golden and eyes are most commonly green or gray‑green, with gray and hazel less frequent. Hair color is always dark, ranging from blue black to dark brown. Baklunish features can he seen mixed with those of other races in the nations of Ket and Tusmit, and among the Wolf Nomads and the Paynim tribes.   In the north, bright colors and gaudy patterns are typical of Baklunish costume, with gowns and robes favoured, and short breeks with long coats nearly as popular. Peasant folk in the north also wear gaudy fabrics, but tend more toward a single long robe with whatever adornments are available. The southern Baklunish favour colors in the pastel ranges, with patterns also popular. Dress is complex and fancy, with puffs, slashes and peplums. Ruffs might be seen at formal occasions. When at war, this fanciness is eschewed, and most soldiers wear rough fabrics, leathers and hides adorned with shields and coats of arms. They often carry banners displaying clan colours and symbols.   All Baklunish are raised to esteem honour, piety, generosity and family. Pursuit of these virtues is so consistent that for a Baklunish to kill his parents, for instance, is unthinkable.   The Baklunish have developed two distinct cultures. One group long ago developed a horse-based nomadic culture based on raiding, herding and trading the fine horses they breed. The settled Baklunish are traders and farmers who have achieved considerable power and built great cities and roads.   Like the Suel, the Baklunish are recognised for their magical skill. They are especially noted for inventing new elemental spells and using spellcasting in concert with others through co-operative magic. Even to this day their reputation is due in part to the Rain of Colourless Fire that the Baklunish brought down upon the Suloise Empire a thousand years ago.


Common Dress code

Baklunish peoples are of two sorts. The northern branch favors bright patterns and gaudy colors. They wear gowns and robes, or else short breeks and flow­ing coats. The poorer folk even wear gaudy prints, although their garments are typically a one-piece coverall with whatever additional garb they can add. The southern branch likes parti-colors of a more pas­tel hue. Their dress is complex and full of many puffs and slashes when adorned for special events. They commonly wear rough hide and cloth when traveling or at war, with shields and banners showing clan colors.


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