
This little-known territory exists between the fierce nomads to the south and the terrible Land of Black Ice to the north, protected by the cold marshes and the dangerous Icy Sea, as well as the vast stretches of the Burneal Forest. It is reported that hot springs and volcanism keep the area habitable, and that monsters teem in its wildernesses of brush and marsh. The original capital, Blackmoor, and its castle were sacked and ruined some years ago, but extensive labyrinths are supposed to exist under these ruins. There also is purported to be a strange “City of the Gods” somewhere within the Archbarony. Inhabitants of the area employ slings, bows (short), and spears. Cavalry is uncommon, except in the force of the ruler.
Ruler: His Luminous Preponderancy, Archbaron Bestmo of Blackmoor
: Dantredun (pop. 666)
: 20,000 to 30,000+!-
: Unlikely
: Considerable numbers
: ivory, copper, gems (II)


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