Bone March

When the Kingdom of Aerdy became an empire, its leaders determined to crush the troublesome barbarians pushing down from the Thillonrian Peninsula and settling in the strip of land between the Rakers and Grendep Bay. Being indifferent sailors, the Aerdians opted to attack overland, and began sending strong parties northward to drive the invaders from the north back to their homeland. After many sharp skirmishes, a large contingent of imperial troops was routed, and full-scale warfare began.
The Fruztii tribes had retreated before the Aerdians, but sent out calls for their kin, and these doughty fighters poured down by land and sea for the prospect of battle and loot. Over 10,000 assembled and attacked the works under construction at Spinecastle. A relief force fought a pitched battle with these barbarians, most of whom were slain – along with several thousand imperial soldiers. The newly won fief was named for the remains of this struggle, the Battle of the Shamblefield, or Caldni Vir’s Charge. In 560 CY hordes of humanoids (Euroz, Kell, Eiger, and others) began making forays into the Bone March, and these raids turned into a full scale invasion the next year. In 563 the land fell to these invaders, its lord was slain, and its army slain or enslaved. Humans in the area were likewise enslaved or killed, and the whole territory is now ruled by one or more of the humanoid chiefs. Exact information is not available. The humanoids gained access to the area by moving through the mountains, and now use these trails to raid the Pale, Ratik, and even Nyrond – although any movement through the Flinty Hills is at great peril due to the gnomes still holding out there. There is continual border warfare along the Teesar Torrent and in the Blemu Hills of Aerdy’s North Province, although some say that the Overking would gladly make peace with the humanoids to the north and enlist them in his own armies.
His Nobility, the Marquis of Bonemarch (title currently held by no one)
Capital: Spinecastle (pop. 6,300)
: 30,000+/-
: Few (beleaguered gnomes of the Flinty Hills)
: Many (gnolls, ogres, orcs in numbers)
: silver, gems (I, II)


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