
This small land west of the Wild Coast beyond the Welkwood has long been under the rule of Olvenfolk. Although these are good creatures, they do not welcome strangers (with cause), and little certain knowledge of Celene or its Court exists. The realm is friendly with the Ulek states, and an alliance between Celene and these countries was responsible for the campaigns which drove all of the humanoids from the Lortmil Mountains – although the defeated forces of humanoids subsequently invaded and took over the Pomarj. A small number of humans and half-elvenfolk dwell in Celene, many serving in its military, for continual warfare is carried on (in the Suss Forest and beyond the Jewel River) with the Pomarj humanoid tribes.
Ruler: Her Fey Majesty, Yolande, Queen of Celene, Lady Rhalta of All Elvenkind
Capital: Enstad (pop. 6,950)
: 15,000
: Gray Elves (9,500), Sylvan Elves (8,000), Gnomes (3,500), Halflings
: None
: foodstuffs, cloth, silver


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