
The elves (olve in Flan) are slight of stature (averaging 5 feet) and fair of complexion. Hair and eye coloration vary by kindred. High elves are usually dark-haired and green-eyed. The noble gray elves have either silvery hair and amber eyes, or pale golden hair and violet eyes (the second type commonly called faerie or fey elves). The hair color of wood elves ranges from yellow to coppery red, and eye color is a shade of hazel or green. Wild elves are the smallest of the elven folk, but otherwise resemble the wood elves. Valley elves appear to be taller versions (of nearly human height) of the gray elves, while snow elves tower above most humans and are exceedingly thin and pale.
Elves were present in the lands east of the Crystalmist Mountains for uncounted centuries prior to the rise of the first human kingdoms there. Slowly driven from open country to more secluded and better defended strongholds by the growing strength of both human and nonhuman folk, elves still held a number of forest and upland realms at the time of the Twin Cataclysms. The invading humans, orcs, and others pressed them further, until some prominent elven realms made military and political alliances with dwarves, gnomes, and halflings, and even with certain major human tribes (usually Oeridian). Today, elves are dominant in Celene, Sunndi, Highfolk, the Vesve Forest, and the Lendore Isles. Elves are concerned with life itself and spend long periods contemplating natural beauty. Long-lived and curious, they enjoy exploration and remember much. Their frolics are usually joyous events, though some gatherings have a melancholy tone. The fine arts are much appreciated. Elves measure kinship in terms of broad, ethnic divisions, though family bloodlines, particularly among the nobles, often cross these ethnic boundaries. Valley elves are unique in that they have no social relationship with other elves in the Flanaess, being hated by them for unknown reasons.
Elves (called "olve" or "olvenfolk" in Flan) inhabited the Flanaess for centuries before the fall of the Baklunish and Suloise Empires. Suloise, Oeridian and humanoid invaders pushed the elves from their grassland and prairie homes. Fortunately, the elves willingly resettled to the forests, where they held their own as nearby human kingdoms rose, expanded, made war and fell. The Suloise and humanoids, particularly orcs, gave the greatest trouble to the elves, who often found themselves allied with their old Flan neighbours and with the aggressive but reasonably trustworthy Oeridians.
1,200 years
Average Height
5 feet
Average Weight
100 lbs.

Articles under Elf


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