
The Flan race have a bronze-colored com­plexion. This varies from a lighter, almost copper shade to a very dark tone which is deepest brown. Eye color is commonly dark brown, black, brown, or amber (in declining order of occurrence). Hair coloration is black, brown-black. dark brown, or brown. Also, Flannae tend to have wavy or curly hair. People of the Duchy of Tenh are pure Flan, proud of their bronze color. Geoff and Sterich, despite mixture, show strong Flan racial influence. The Rovers of the Barrens are of the copper-toned sort of Flannae, although the western tribes show the golden skin color of the Baklunish due to interbreeding with the Wolf Nomad tribes. The people of the Hold of Stone Fist and the citizens of the Theocracy of the Pale are primarily hybrids, the former Flan/Suel, the latter Flan/Oeridian. The inhabitants of the Pale are par­ticularly handsome.   Members of the Flan race are accepted to be the first human inhabitants of eastern Oerik; hence the term Flanaess. Originally scattered nomads with no real settlements, the Flan were pushed to various areas of the 3 continent just over a thousand years ago by the invading Suel and Oeridians.     The Flannae are recognizable by their bronze complexions and wavy or curly hair. Their skin tones range from a lighter coppery color to a deep brown. Flan eyes are most commonly dark brown or black, with brown or amber appearing less frequently. Their hair is usually black but also ranges through shades of brown-black, dark brown and brown.   The Duchy of Tenh boasts of a pure Flan heritage. Geoff and Sterich, while slighty mixed with other races, still identify with the Flannae. Other nations that show strong Flan roots are the Rovers of the Barrens, Stonehold and the theooacy of the Pale.   The original Flan nomads of a millennium ago wore simple, utilitarian clothing including loincloths, capes and leather wrappings on their feet that served as shoes. They also wore brightly colored body paints, primarily vermilion and yellow ochre, in primitive patterns, a practice still common among the surviving Rovers of the Barrens. In civilized regions such as the Duchy of Tenh, Flan clothing tends to follow current fashion, though in solid, bright primary colors.   The ancient Flannae were a peaceful people who followed a regular pattern of seasonal migration. They lived off the land, hunting and gathering, and their population remained relatively steady They had a strong view of nature as an entity, and the myths, legends and culture dl emphasized the importance and values of a close relationship with nature. All of the known druidic gods are Flan in origin.   While many Flannae were able to coexist with the immigrating Suel and Oeridians, others found themselves pushed from their traditional lands. They were forced to hunt in unfamiliar territories and climates, and some scholars speculate that the Flannae nearly died out during these difficult years.   Some of the pureblooded Flannae still show characteristics of their ancestors. They tend to prefer open spaces to crowded cities, and they have an affinity for gardening (especially among those with no choice but to live in crowded conditions). Some Flan (particularly those of the Rovers, though many of them have hem killed in recent years) are good with horses.The Flannae have a strong tradition for storytelling, and most families have a repertoire of legends and traditions passed down through the generations. They like to spend as much time as they can out of doors, and a favorite pastime during comfortable weather is to build an outdoor fire and gather the family around for an evening of stories.   A modern custom omong the Flannae is to plant a tree at the doorway of their home.  The tree helps to maintain the family's ties to nature and remind them to care for the Oerth mother Beory. Among some branches of the Flan, if the tree sickens or dies, this is taken as a sign that the family must move or perhaps had luck or some wil influence. Trees and plants are often given as gifts to welcome a new baby or to greet a Flan family moving to a new home. For good luck, some Flannae keep a dried or pressed leaf from their home tree when traveling or adventuring.


Common Dress code

Flannae once wore brightly-hued body paints, with yellow ochre and vermilion being the favorites. 'While the Rovers of the Barrens still use considerable body painting (where their high boots, loincloth and chest and arm leather don't cover them), the more civilized Flan dress in the mode currently fashionable in their portion of the continent. Garments, however, tend to be of solid primary colors, with very bright hues predominant.


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