
Gnomes ("noniz") are believed by some to be related to dwarves, but aside from height, there are few similarities. Gnomes favour woodlands for their homes, residing in burrows just below the surface in hilly country. Gnomes are rarely taller than three and a half feet, are moderately built, and have skin that resembles the color of wood (from light ash to dark oak). Gnomes usually wear red or blue conical hats. They work well and enjoy merrymaking. In general, the gnomes of the Flanaess defended themselves ably in the Greyhawk Wars, though the Flinty Hills gnomes suffered more than their kindred elsewhere. The gnomes' success in the Wars is due in part to their strong military tradition. They have recently expanded burrow communities in the Kron Hills, County of Ulek, Veluna, Verbobonc, Highfolk and Celene.

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