Highfolk Independent Town of

Highfolk is independent and of importance simply because it is the southern outpost of the Olvenfolk of the Quagflow Valley (the Fairdells in Olven). The town itself is a trading center and home to some 2,000 humankind. It is well fortified and protects the homeland – the 100-mile stretch of valley above, which lies between the southern arm of the Yatils and the Vesve Forest to the east. There are many thorps set in beautiful dales along the banks of the river, and the Lord of the High Elves dwells in the region, along with some 10,000 of his kin and numerous Sylvan Elves as well (the latter in the fringes of the Vesve on the east bank). The folk of Highfolk and the valley above are at peace with their neighbors to the north and south. The more restless sometimes take service with mercenary bands of Perrenlander soldiery.
Ruler: The Worthy Sir, the Mayor of Highfolk
Population: 1,740 (excluding demi-humans)
Demi-humans: High Elves (4,000 +) and some others
Humanoids: None
Resources: gold


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