Horned Society

Originally a stronghold of the more organized of Iuz’s armies, the Horned Society came under the rule of a group of mysterious leaders known as The Hierarchs some decades ago. Most scholars believe they are opportunist bandits who filled the void when the quiet decades fell over the lands of Iuz. More ominous speculation places the roots of the Society well before the Great Migrations of old. Certain old druids speak of the dreaded “Horned Ones”, cultists who stalked the night in ancient times and preyed upon the Flan tribes. It is not certain if the modern Horned Society is actually a descendant of this dark sect or simply an imitator exploiting old legends.
In any case, the land between the Veng and Ritensa Rivers as far north as the territory of the Rovers of the Barrens is now firmly in the grasp of the Horned Society.
This association combines the masses of humanoid troops with the organization and powers of humans. Hobgolins, orcs, and other nonhumans flocked to the Horned Society’s dark banner. Deviltry is the religion of the Society, and its leading Hierarch is purported to be an evil high priest. Other leaders are reported as a powerful wizard, several other powerful clerics, a master rogue, and a trio of fighter Lords.
It is known that many troops of bandits from the east frequent the walled town of Molag, and the Horned Society is on favorable terms with luz. The philosophy of the Society is rulership through fear and might, with overtones of human supremacy and the subjugation of lesser races to achieve their goals.
Ruler: The Dread and Awful Presences, the Hierarchs
Capital: Molag (pop. 6,200)
: Unknown
: Very doubtful
: Hobgoblins (12,000+), others
: None known


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