Ice Barbarians Kingdom of Cruski

The Ice Barbarians inhabit the bleak shores of the Thillonrian Peninsula’s north and east coasts. They will raid their cousins to the south, the Snow and Frost barbarians, or raid with them into Ratik or the more tempting Great Kingdom. In high summer they often find fighting by rounding the coasts of the Hold of Stonefist, and the Cruskii have both hatred and respect for the dour inhabitants of that land. Their most despised enemy, however, is the Sea Barons, whose ships they attack on sight, and whose isles they often attack and plunder – usually at a price. Of late these raiders have joined with Frost and Snow barbarians in order to counter the growing strength of the coastal defenders of the Great Kingdom and the Sea Barons.
Ruler: His Most Ferocious Majesty, the King of Cruski; Fasstal of all the Suelii
Capital: Glot (pop. 5,100)
Population: 60,000
Demi-humans: Few
Humanoids: Likely in mountains
Resources: furs, copper, gems (I)


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