Irongate Free City of

This large and thriving city is based on sea commerce and trade between Onnwal and the East. lrongate developed an independent spirit early in its history due to its mingling of peoples and ideas. As the rule of the Overking grew more despotic, the people of the city began to murmur, and the Lord Mayor headed a deputation bearing grievances to the Herzog. These emissaries were thrown into prison, given a mock trial, and executed by ritual torture for the Overking’s entertainment (446 CY). The following year the whole of the south was in arms against the realm, and after a brief struggle the Iron League was founded, an alliance of mutual support which aided the rebellious states to throw off the yoke of the Aerdi tyrants.
lrongate has a strong naval squadron and a large company of armored crossbowmen in League service. She can also raise 2,000 heavy militia infantry of high morale and excellent training. These troops are spetum or glaive-guisarme equipped and can march in a single day after muster.
Member of the Iron League
Ruler: His Resolute Honor, the Lord High Mayor of Irongate
Population: 43,700 (city), 55,000 total (including surrounding area)
Demi-humans: Many
Humanoids: None
Resources: gems (II, III)


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