Iuz land of

Iuz, old Iuz of fearbabe talk, may be human – or may once have been human – but this is not known for certain one way or another. He has ruled the lands from the Howling Hills south to the Lake of Whyestil for ages longer than any man can live. The lands between the Dulsi and the Opicm Rivers are steeped in wickedness and evil, so much so that the otherwise fearless Wolf Nomads and Rovers of the Barrens pass through the Cold Marshes rather than cross even the edge of the Land of Iuz.
For many decades the evil of the place was relatively quiet, seeming to lack evil direction, and the neighbors of good ilk prospered. The cause of this change is unknown, but recently the forces of Iuz began again gathering for fell purpose. In addition to the many evil clerics, thieves, fighters, assassins, and magic-users who have gathered under the grim banner of Iuz, numbers of the foulest tribes of humanoids have grown in strength and are ready to march. Goblins, hobgoblins, and orcs in the thousands are known to be in arms, swelling the human contingents of Iuz’s armies.
Ruler: Iuz, Lord of Evil (evil Demi-god)
Capital: Dorakaa (pop. 10,000 +)
Population: 30,000 +
Demi-humans: None
Humanoids: Many (numbers unknown)
Resources: furs, electrum


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