Kendall Keep

Even from the road, the Keep is an impressive sight: a mighty castle perched on a flat-topped hill, with a path climb­ing steeply up beneath frowning guard towers until it reaches the main gate. Crenellated battlements line the walls, offering plenty of cover for archers to attack any foe coming up the exposed path. As you draw near, a clanging as of a great gong goes up from one of the towers that overlooks the path­clearly, your approach has been noticed. You continue on your way, your back itching as you try not to think about deadly arrows suddenly being launched in your direction. Following the curve of the path around to the side, you come to the great gate-a drawbridge flanked by thirty-foot-high watchtowers.


The walls of the Outer Bailey (areas 1 through 17) are almost thirty feet high; those of the Inner Bailey average sixty feet high. The ground immediately outside the walls has been set with spikes and strewn with caltrops, making it very difficult for anyone to approach other than by the careful­ly watched path.
Outpost / Base
Owning Organization
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