
Ket is the frontier state of the Baklunish and a trading center between eastern Flanaess and the world beyond. For many decades it has alternately menaced the Oeridian/Suloise states east and south and threatened them by invasion. Despite this continual warfare, the land flourished due to the rich trade with the Paynim tribes, Tusmit, Ekbir, Perrenland, Bissel, and Veluna. Goods from Zeif and Wintershiven pass through Lopolla. This mixture of cultures includes the people themselves, for the Ketites are of mixed racial stock, albeit of Baklunish culture for the most part. The court of the Beygraf is a strange mixture of eastern and western influences. This admixture pervades the military as well, for the Ketites field a strong force of pikes and crossbows along with their light horse archers and medium lancers. The army is well honed, for despite racial ties and trade, the Paynim clans often raid the border country west of the Tuflik River.
Ruler: His Illustrious Glory, the Beygraf of Ket, Shield of the True Faith
Capital: Lopolla (pop. 23,400)
Population: 50,000 +
Demi-humans: Few
Humanoids: Few
Resources: silver, gems ( l, IV)


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