Lordship of the Isles Principality, Member of the Iron League

This scattered principality stretches over seven major islands, from the Spindrift Sound to the mouth of the Tilva Strait. These islands are rich and fertile, and enjoy the benefits of their strategic location. They profit hugely from cargoes of goods brought from Hepmonaland to the Great Kingdom and collect tribute from those states which wish to use the Tilva Straits in commerce. The rulers of Duxchan gave up piracy in favor of more lucrative methods of extracting money from merchants. There is particular enmity between the Sea Barons and the Lord of the Isles for rather obvious reasons.
Member of the Iron League
Ruler: His Exalted Highness, the Prince of Duxchan; Lord of the Isles; Scourge of the Waves
Capital: Sulward (pop. 5,500)
Population: 80,000 +
Demi-humans: Few
Humanoids: Doubtful
Resources: rare woods, spices


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