
The Oeridians have skin tones ranging from tan to olive. They have hair which runs the gamut of color from honey blonde to black, although brown and reddish brown are most common. Like­wise. eye coloration is highly variable. although brown and gray are frequently seen in individuals. Unmixed Oeridians, despite claims of the Great Kingdom, are most common in Furyondy, Perren­land, the Shield Lands, and in the east and south in Noth Province, Medegia, and Onnwal and Sunndi.   A millenium ago. the Oredians moved from the west into the Flanaess, where they c:eventually took control of what is now Furyondy, Perrenland, the the Shield Lands, the Great Kingdom of North Aerdy, the United Kingdom of Ahlissa,  Onnwal, and Sunndi.     They are sometimes difficult to differentiate from other races, with skin ranging from tan to olive, hair varying in color from honey-blonde to black (with brown and auburn being most common), and eyes of every common color, though most often brown or gray. Oridians are recognized more easily through their choice of clothing. Favoring plaids and checks, sometimes with unusual variations such as diamond or lozenge patterns, the Oeridians are­ perhaps the flashiest dressers in the Flanaess. Their clothing normally consists of close-fitting trousers and short tunics with capes or cloaks.      Historically, the Oeridians were fierce warriors and aggressive about controlling land. They fought hard to maintain their borders and even harder to acquire land they desired. Conquerors by nature, they are accustomed to thinking od themselves as the best humanity has to offer and thus destined to rule. They are prone to take charge, obey their superiors, and sacrifice for the good of whatever group they are in. All Oeridians suffer from bouts of temper, however, and those who can control their emotions and channel their energies into productive activity are regarded highly among all the races.   Oeridians have a talent for focusing their attention in combat, and this sometimes gives them the upper hand. They consider fighting a craft, and practice is taken very seriously. Some Oredians practice acrobatics, tumbling, unarmed fighting and even dance as part of their training. Because of the great amounts of time the warriors devote co practicing their art, Oredians tend to be nimble.     The Oeridians are recognized for the superb weapons and armor they produce. They are alway's looking for ways to improve their odds in a battle and that includes perfecting existing weapons and armor designs, and inventing new types of armor and weapons. They are also very inventive with developing magical armor and weapons and combat spells.     Oeridian custom requires that a gift be offered to a host or hostess when an overnight stay is anticipated. Traditionally, this gesture was meant to put the hosting family at ease and serve as a sign that the visitors has no designs on acquiring the host's land or property.   The Oeridian people feel deep ties to clan and are fiercely protective of both their immediate and extended family. A threat to an Oeridian's land or property is only slightly less important than a threat to his family.


Common Dress code

Oeridians typically favor checks and plaids. Aerdi and Nyrondal houses tend to wear plaids, while the south­ern and western Oeridians favor checks. often of a diamond pattern or similar variation from the stand­ard square. Clothing tends toward tight-legged trous­ers, close-fitting upper garments, and capes or cloaks.


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