Onnwal, Free State of

Onnwal was originally a lesser fief of the Herzog of South Province, to be granted as he saw fit to his faithful followers. The oppressive rule of the Great Kingdom brought great discontent and instigated open rebellion, the whole of the South Province being in arms. All of the lower portion was lost to the empire when the Iron League was founded in 447 CY. This alliance joined Onnwal with the Free City of Irongate (which barred the Onnwal peninsula), Idee, Sunndi, and the demi-humans of the Glorioles and Hestmark Highlands in economic and military alliance. Onnwal and Irongate supplied the sea power, while the other members furnished troops for land actions — although strong contingents from both of the former places were also sent to battle. Irongate was besieged by Aerdian forces for several months, but in the battle of a Thousand Banners the siege was lifted when a ruse panicked the northerners, and great numbers of them were subsequently slain by a combined host of men and Gray Elves of the League. While never invaded, Onnwal is subject to periodic sea raids from the Herzog’s squadrons. The major port of Scant is exceptionally well fortified because of this fact. Other than a small force of regulars and her marines, Onnwal relies upon levies in time of war.
Member of the Iron League
Ruler: His Noble Authority, the Szek of Onnwal
Capital: Scant (pop. 3,800)
: 25,000 +
: Dwarves (2,000+)
: None
: platinum, gems (III)


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