Pale, Theocracy of the

When Nyrond became a separate nation, the highly religious peoples inhabiting the area between the Rakers and Yol River likewise proclaimed their autonomy. Their clerical leaders were in effect the ruling nobles, and one of their number was chosen as supreme for his lifetime. After warfare with their southem neighbor and a period of subjugation, the Pale became independent once again, and since then has enjoyed a history of reasonable rule and relative peace. Barbarian, humanoid, and bandit raiders plague the Theocracy, but Prelatal troops are tough and efficient and capable of handling most problems of this nature. A balanced force of horse and foot numbering over 4,000 guard the borders of the realm, while levies numbering more than 10,000 can be raised in a week. Note: The Pale is not noted for religious tolerance.
Ruler: His Worshipful Mercy, the Theocrat; Supreme Prelate of the Pale
: Wintershiven (pop. 21,500)
Population: 200,000
: Some
: Few
: foodstuffs, copper, gems (IV)


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