Plains of the Paynims, Tribes of

Only a small portion of the rolling plains inhabited by nomadic Baklunish tribes falls within the Flanaess. The pair which is on our portion of the continent is sometimes nearly empty of human life, and at other times it is reported to swarm with horsemen. These nomads evidently move out of the Dry Steppes region when summer makes the area an arid waste, and return there in the rainy season. Of course, the tribe of Ull (q.v.) has a permanent territory and the northern parts of the plains are held by the more civilized states bordering the Dramidj Ocean.
Each tribe is ruled by a noble, variously called Amir or Khan. Greater nobles are called Ilkhan, Orakhon, or Shah. Leaders of the royal rank are known as Tarkhan, Padishah or Kha Khan. The northern and western tribes use the titles Amir, Shah, and Padishah, while those from the south (Dry Steppes) favor Khan, Ilkhan, etc. These horsed nomads are poorly armored but very mobile troops. The most lightly protected wield short, powerful horn bows and light curved swords, while the remainder (20% to 30%) employ light lance and mace or flail. Little else is known. The western states such as Ket, Tusmit, and Ekbir will often employ forces of mercenary Paynim nomads against each other or other marauding nomads. As the Tiger and Wolf Nomads (qq.v.) also used the title of Khan et al., it is speculated that these peoples are branches of the same race separated by an influx of later nomads (those using the titles Amir et al).
Ruler: (Various nomadic leaders)
Populations: Uncertain, possibly 500,000 or more
: Doubtful
: Doubtful but possible
: Unknown


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