Scarlet Brotherhood, The

It is said that an order of monastic religious militarists was founded long ago on the remote plateau south of the closed city of Kro Terlep. This order is purported to espouse the cause of the Suloise as the rightful rulers of all the Flanaess, claiming superiority of that race above all others, and embracing evil as the only hope of achieving its ends. Supposedly the Scarlet Brotherhood is the fruition of these aims, and it now controls the whole of the land from the Vast Swamp to the tip of the peninsula.
Brothers of the Scarlet Sign are reportedly hiding as trusted advisors or henchmen in many courts and castles in the north, spying for their master and ready to strike. The Brotherhood is tripartite, according to tales told, with thieves as its lower ring, assassins next, and then the smallest and highest ring of monks as superior.
The leader of the thieves is called “Elder Cousin,” that of the assassins is known as “Foster Uncle” – thus other thieves are entitled “cousins” and assassins “nephews.” The temple and monastery of the Scarlet Brotherhood is supposedly a fortress and walled town unto itself, guarded by soldiers, humanoid legions which are being readied for future conquest, and monsters trained to serve the Brotherhood.
Ruler: His Peerless Serenity, the Father of Obedience (Master of Autumn)
Capital: Unknown, but reported as a hidden city of splendor and magnificence
: 20,000 +/- (uncertain)
: Doubtful
: Highly probable
: rare woods, spices, gold, gems (I, III, IV)


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