Sea Barons

The Aerdi power spread to the islands off the shores of the Gullcliffs, where the newcomers mixed with Flannae. The Overking eventually appointed certain nobles to baronial island fiefs, four in all, instructing them to build squadrons of ships and compete, for whichever of their number excelled in warfare at sea would be appointed over all as supreme baron and admiral as well. Baron Asperdi won the post, and to this day the High Admiral of the Great Kingdom is the hereditary baron of that place.
The four barons are virtually independent today, but still swear fealty to the Overking and serve loyally if not with great enthusiasm. Their squadrons protect the coasts from Bellport to Pontylver, driving off the northern barbarian seawolves, protecting the coastal sea lanes, and fighting with the ships of the Duxchan Lord whether piratical or otherwise.
Ruler: His Noble Prominence, the Lord High Admiral of Asperdi; Commander of the Sea Barons
Capital: Asperdi (pop. 7,100)
: 40,000+
: Few
: Few
: None outstanding


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