Shield Lands

When the Bandit Kingdoms began to grow powerful, the petty nobles of the north shores of the Nyr Dyv banded together in a mutual protection society. The small Earldom of Walworth had the advantage of possessing a sizable island upon which was built the only city in the whole district, so its Lord was chosen as Knight Commander of the combined forces of the nobles. A headquarters was established at Admundfort, and a holy order of religious knights begun.
The Shield Lands are still ruled by many small noblemen, while the Earl of Walworth is hereditary general of their combined military and naval forces. Their military activity brings contributions from Furyondy and Urnst, as well as many esquires and knights to serve in the core of the army, the Knights of Holy Shielding. This area currently is in desperate straits with the growing might of the Horned Society menacing the delicate balance.
Ruler: His Most Honorable Lordship, the Earl of Walworth; Knight Commander of the Shield Lands
Capital: Admunfort (15,800)
: 60,000
: Few
: Few
: foodstuffs


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