Stonefist, Hold of

Stonefist, then Vlek Col Vlekzed, founded his chiefdom in approximately 430 CY. Vlek was cast out from the Rovers of the Barrens for banditry and lying, but a small number of warriors and their families followed him as leader. For several years he wandered around the fringes of his homeland, raiding and stealing from everyone without prejudice. These minor successes attracted a growing following of fellow outcasts, bandits, criminals and like unsavory types. Yet with this strange mixture of fighters, be mounted a highly successful raid into Tehn, swung down into the Bandit Kingdoms and recruited more followers, and then defeated a punitive expedition sent from Tenh.
When threatened by a bandit kinglet, Vlek replied by surprising his stronghold, sacking it, and carrying away most of its population. Riding unmolested through the lands of his former people, but not caring to test their fighting ability, Vlek moved beyond White Fanged Bay and established a fortified settlement as a permanent camp. The inhabitants of the area, the Coltens Feodality, were tricked into negotiation with Vlek. These negotiators and their escorting force were slaughtered, the remainder of the Coltens host routed by surprise and ferocity, and Vlek settled down to rule over the whole.
Ruler: His Most Grim and Terrible Might, the Master of the Hold
Capital: Vlekstaad (pop. 2,100)
: 60,000 +
: Doubtful
: Some
: furs, ivory, silver, gems (I)


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