
The fleeing Suel folk were scattered in a broadcast fashion across the Flanaess, so that most tended to mix with other groups. The Suel race is very fair-skinned, some being almost albino. They have light red, yellow, blond, or platinum blonde hair. Eye color varies from pale blue or violet through deep blue, with gray occasionally occurring. Curly to kinky hair is common. The inhabitants of the Duchy of Ernst are nearly of pure Suel race. The Frost, Ice and Snow Barbarians are perfect specimens of unmixed Suloise blood; the nearly albinoid Snow Barbarians are the best example. The Suel folk are quite predominant in the island group off the eastern coast of the Flanaess as well as on Tilvanot Peninsula, in the Scarlet Brotherhood region. Those bands that migrated into the vast Amedio Jungle and Hepmona­land are so altered as to be no longer typical of the race; they are tan to brown with heavy freckling.   The Suel folk arrived in Oerik as refugees from lands south and west of the Crystalmist and HelIfurnace Mountains. Escaping the wars in their homelands, the Suloise helped to displace the Flannae from their traditional lands and were themselves scattered far and wide. No one is certain what the ancient Suloise Empire was like. Most of their former realm was destroyed by the Rain of Colorless Fire, leaving behind what is now called the Sea of Dust. Rumours abound of Suloise ruins and treasures buried in the Sea of Dust, but the climate there is so harsh that few dare to go looking for this wealth.   The Suloise are the fairest-skinned of Oerik's races, some being almost albino. Their eyes vary from pale blue and violet through deep blue and the occasional gray. Hair color ranges in the strawberry blondes, yellows and platinums. Wavy or kinky hair is seen as often as straight hair.   The Frost, Ice and Snow Barbarians are the best examples of pure Suel blood. Suel descendants are also predominant in the Duchy of Urnst, the islands off the eastern coast of the Flanaess, and the lands of the Scarlet Brotherhood on the Tilvanot Peninsula. Some Suloise settled in the Amedio Jungle and Hepmonaland, where they became tanned and freckled.   Ancient Suloise wore wide-legged pantaloons and loose blouses. These styles are still popular but have been adapted for climate. In the north, these garments can be of fur or felted wool, worn with capes, furred boots and mittens. Those in the south sometimes wear a loose vest instead of a blouse, and fabrics are lightweight. Solid colors are preferred universally, with most folk having only one or two colors in their wardrobe. The Suloise also like to wear emblems and souvenir trinkets on their clothing. These ornaments are considered important items of family heritage. They can be passed down through generations.   The Suloise have a strong sense of the importance of ancestral and family ties. They fight more among themselves than other human groups because of these ancient allegiances.   The Suloise are not known for their patience and have a short way with disagreements since they tend to be opinionated and convinced that their notions are the best. A popular saying in some parts of the Flanaess is, "when all the Suloise have left the table," meaning that nothing constructive will take place in a discussion until anyone unwilling to be open-minded is removed.   These folk are also known for their manual dexterity. They have a talent for all arts and crafts, especially those involving detail work such as embroidery, sewing, leather tooling, sculpting and painting. Suloise weavers can demand the highest prices on the continent for their fabrics, both for the fine grain of their weaves and the extraordinary detail of their patterns.   The Suel have a long tradition of wizardry and magical research, and the ancient Suel Imperium produced many powerful magics, culminating in the Invoked Devastation that laid waste to the ancient Baklunish Empire. Even now many Suel become mages. Perhaps their dexterity gives them an advantage in manipulating spell components and gesticulations.


Common Dress code

Suloise folk have long used solid colors. Aristocratic houses have two or more such colors in their dress, so parti-colored garments are not uncommon. Similarly, the Suel people tend to favor display of emblems or tokens on their garments, typically of a contrasting color to their basic one. Dress was originally loose pantaloons topped by a baggy blouse. This form of dress has been changed to meet the needs of the vary­ing climates, so the northern Suloise barbarians wear furs and skin garments, while those in the southern­most area have replaced the blouse with vest-like upper wear.


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