Ulek, Duchy of

The elven realm of Ulek is ruled by a wise and intelligent Duke of High Elven race. Many of the human inhabitants of the land are partially elven, and the remainder are well-disposed to demi-humans. After gaining independent status, these peoples were quick to make treaties of mutual aid with Celene and the lower Ulek states. While they do not love the Keoish, they do not bear them enmity, and normal relations and trade exist between the Duchy and the Gran March and Keoland. Most traffic, however, passes through the mountains to Celene and the gnomes of the Kron Hills.
There is a standing force of some 1,000 men and elves serving the Duke. This force consists of a small troop of heavy cavalry, another of medium, and a body of elvish light. The balance (60%) consists of crossbowmen, billmen, and elvish archers. In time of need levies of men, elves, and gnomes can be raised speedily.
Ruler: His Noble Radiance, the Duke of Ulek
Capital: Tringlee (pop. 13,800)
: 15,000
: High Elves (12,000), Sylvan Elves (4,000), Gnomes
: Doubtful
: foodstuffs, cloth, electrum, gems (I, II)


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