Ulek, Principality of

Dwarves and other demi-humans are more numerous than are humans except in the city of Gryrax, where the larger folk are about twice as common. This is mainly because they are better sailors and are in charge of the dwarven prince’s naval squadrons based at the capital. The remainder of the human population is scattered throughout the principality, which extends from the Sheldomar to the Jewel River, south of Old River, across the lower Lortmils.
The human inhabitants also make up the entire cavalry force of the realm and provide a small portion of regular men-at-arms. Most of the infantry is dwarven, of course, with small contingents of gnomes, and a body of halfling scouts. At one time, the territory of the Prince reached to the tip of the Pomarj, but the nobles there despised a dwarven overlord, and they ejected the mixed garrisons which protected their holdings in the Prince’s name. Ulek took no reprisal against them, and an effort was made to relieve the distressed territory when swarms of vicious humanoids fell upon it after being driven from the Lortmils. The Prince is on very good terms with the Count of Ulek and trades with Keoland and the Sea Princes as well.
Ruler: His Serene Highness, the Prince of Ulek, Lord of the Peaks of Haven
Capital: Gryrax (pop. 17,200)
: 30,000 +
: Dwarves (18,000), Mountain Dwarves (9,000), Gnomes, Halflings
: Doubtful
: foodstuffs, silver, gems (ll, IV)


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