
A strong tribal clan of the Paynim nomads found the rich area between the Barrier Peaks and the Ulsprue Mountains provided them with ample grazing and a perfect territory to “settle” in. The Ull claimed this area of land for themselves and have held it against all comers. The territory comprises over 90,000 square leagues, including the hills that separate the Ulsprue from the Crystalmists.
While many of the Uli retain their nomadic habits and roam the open plains to the north, a fair number of these people have taken to more settled ways. A caravan town is situated near the center of Ull (Ulakand), and there are numerous hill and mountain villages to the south.
The numbers of the Ull enable them to field a strong force of cavalry and still protect their town and villages with tough infantry. The latter use huge bows, strange pole arms, and great maces. As traders, the Uli are crafty and sly. They are fierce, warlike, and highly unpredictable otherwise.
Ruler: His Illustrious Ferocity, the Orakhon of Ull
Capital: Ulakand (pop. 6,000 +/-)
: 100,000+
Demi-humans: Doubtful
: Some (in mountains)
: silver, gems (ll)


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