Veluna, Archclericy of

The Archclericy of Veluna has long been a shining example of the better side of humankind in the Flanaess. Since the state became independent, it has treated fairly and justly with its neighbors and championed the cause of righteousness everywhere. After the unfortunate Short War (see Bissel, Keoland), Veluna returned to normal affairs and only engaged in formal military action again when the Horde of Elemental Evil manifested itself.
The Archclericy aids Bissel, Highfolk, and the Gnomes of the Kron Hills. She is on very close terms with Furyondy (q.v.). Seven noble houses support the clerical ruler of the realm, the Plar of Veluna being the foremost. The semi-independent Viscount of Verbobonc is a willing vassal of the state, and his inclusion in the council makes an eighth noble. Veluna fields a regular army which has a small core of heavy cavalry, large troops of medium horse, and scouts which are light cavalry. The bulk of her infantry are pikemen, with gnomish support and elven archers.
Ruler: His Venerable Reverence, the Canon of Veluna; Shepherd of the Faithful
Capital: Mitrik (pop. 12,600)
: 250,000 (excluding Viscounty of Verbobonc)
: High Elves (10,000), Gnomes (7,000), others
: few
: foodstuffs, copper, silver, gold


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