Verbobonc Viscounty and Town of

This small state would hardly be worth mention in a continent-wide work of this nature, despite its riches, except that evil forces chose the area to establish a stronghold. A temple and fortress were constructed in the wooded hills southeast of the town of Verbobonc, not far from the village of Hommlet. Trade was ravaged, the countryside pillaged, and bands of evil humanoids and men were flocking to the gruesome standards raised. Prompt action was taken when it became apparent that evil had grown strong. The Right Worshipful Mayor of the town called up the trained levies, and the Viscount brought all of his retainers and the militia, and these forces were in the forefront of the ensuing battle which broke the hordes of the Temple.
The Viscounty is a large one, extending from the Velverdyva’s south bank some 15 leagues into the Kron Hills, being over 5O leagues in breadth. Verbobonc is situated in the approximate center of its east-west axis.
Geopolitical, Viscounty
Ruler: His Lordship the Viscount Wilfrick of Verbobonc
Capital: Verbobonc (pop. 11,600)
: 35,000
: Gnomes (4,000), Sylvan Elves (2,500)
: Few
: copper, gems


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