Wolf Nomads - Wegwlur

Much as their western kin have done, the Wolf Nomads have assumed a few civilized characteristics, in that they have a permanent capital and carry on trade with Perrenland. At one time the Wegwiur horsemen contested gladly with the Rovers of the Barrens for rights to the lands around the Howling Hills and the Dulsi River, sometimes defeating them, and sometimes being driven away. With the rebirth of Iuz, the WolfNomads shun the territory they once disputed, and are themselves subject to raids from humanoids and humans from Iuz. These Nomads are not daunted by these forays, however, and have given as good as they’ve gotten. Having lost their favorite foemen, the Wolves of the Prairies fight with the Tiger nomads or raid southward for sport. Their banners depict one or more wolves, and their standards bear wolftails and heads. They are otherwise akin to the Tiger Nomads.
Ruler: The Fearless Wolf Leader, Bargru, Tarkhan of all the Wegwiur, Commander of the Relentless Horde
Capital: Eru-Tovar (4,000)
: 80,000
: Few
: Few
: furs, copper

Articles under Wolf Nomads - Wegwlur


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