Zeif, Sultanate of

The Sultanate of Zeif is the westernmost state of the Flanaess, a portion of it extending beyond the north-south dividing line marked by the Ulsprue Range. The lands of the Sultan stretch from the Dramidj to south of the town of Antalotol, and border Ekbir and Tusmit. Little is known of the Sultan or his court. The army of Zeif is said to be comprised mainly of superb mailed cavalry and huge footmen armed with two-handed swords. It is likely that numbers of mercenary Paynim horsemen are also enlisted in its ranks.
The warm currents of the Dramidj make the land very rich, although the Sultan possesses few mineral resources save a secret source of chrysoberyls and peridots which are so fine as to be sought after as far east as Keoland, Furyondy, and beyond Zeif is supposed to have territorial designs upon both Ekbir and Tusmit, but this is not certain.
Ruler: His Omnipotence, the Glory of the West, the Sultan of Zeif – Murad
Capital: Zeif (pop. 40,300)
Demi-humans: Doubtful
Humanoids: Doubtful
Resources: foodstuffs, gems (lll)

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