Races of Greyhawk

The races of the Flaeness are typically broken down into three categories: humans, demihumans, and humanoids.  


Six major races of humanity share the vast Flanaess with numerous non-humans. Each race appears to have developed ages ago in isolation from all others, with its own pantheon of deities, language, and culture. Unmixed human races exist in several enclaves, but for the most part the Suel, Flan, Oeridians, and Baklunish have mixed to form a variety of blended types. As such, race is given little importance by intelligent folk, particularly in the central lands, though some royal courts promote particular racial types.  


A classification given to the the civilized non-human races of the Flaeness, the habits of the demihuman races are more isolationist than those of their human neighbors. Elven folk are found in woodlands and forests, dwarves in hills and mountains, and so on. Though there are certain lands in which demihumans are of major importance, Demihumans are most often encountered in major Free Cities such as Dyvers and Greyhawk.  


The elves (olve in Flan) are slight of stature (averaging 5 feet) and fair of complexion. Hair and eye coloration vary by kindred. High elves are usually dark-haired and green-eyed. The noble gray elves have either silvery hair and amber eyes, or pale golden hair and violet eyes (the second type commonly called faerie or fey elves). The hair color of wood elves ranges from yellow to coppery red, and eye color is a shade of hazel or green. Wild elves are the smallest of the elven folk, but otherwise resemble the wood elves. Finally, the valley elves appear to be taller versions (of nearly human height) of the gray elves.  


The dwarves, called the dwur by the Flan, have two main subdivisions. The more common hill dwarves have complexions of deep tan to light brown, with hair of brown, black or gray. Eyes are of any color save blue. They are solidly built, though seldom exceed 4 feet in height. Mountain dwarves are somewhat taller, with lighter coloration. All dwarves are bearded.  


Gnomes (noniz in Flan) are solidly built and muscular despite their height. (Most gnomes stand just over 3 feet tall.) Two major groups of them exist: rock gnomes (the most commonly seen) and deep gnomes (who live far underground). Rock gnomes are brownskinned and blue-eyed, and almost all adults have light hair with a tendency toward male baldness. Males are most often bearded, though not so much as their dwarven cousins. Their facial features are a bit exaggerated compared to human norms, with prominent noses and eyebrows and leathery skin. Deep gnomes are hairless and wiry in physique, with gray or gray-brown skin.  


Halflings, called hobniz by the Flan, have three distinct types. The primary group is the lightfoot, the typical halfling found in the Flanaess. Lightfoots average just over 3 feet tall and are ruddy faced, with hair and eyes in various shades of brown. The next most common sort are the stouts, somewhat shorter than lightfoots and having broad features and coarse hair. Last are the tallfellows, who are taller, slimmer, and have fairer complexions than lightfoots. Most halflings have wavy or curly hair. Some, particularly stouts, also grow hair on their cheeks.  


The final non-animal classification for the people of the Flanaess, humanoids bear the general shape of humanity. They have two arms, two hands, at least two legs, and stand generally upright. Unlike demihumans, however, humanoids are typically seen throughout the realms as mere monsters, as they typically have startling — and often times frightening — biological and cultural differences that separate them and often place them at odds with the humans and demihumans of the Flaeness. Too many of them to list here, the following are the most commonly-encountered humanoids:  


Goblins, or jebli, are insidious nighttime raiders averaging 4 feet in height. More powerful creatures usually dominate them, though all goblins swear fealty to the name of the local goblin king. The names of their best-known tribes include Night Terror, Death Feast, Black Agony, Poison Wound, Bitter Ruin, and Dire Oath. Goblins are scattered across the Flanaess in hundreds of places.  


Hobgoblins, also called hoch jebline (“high goblins”), are larger and more disciplined than orcs. Their tribes always fight to determine dominance, but once this order has been established the tribes frequently work together. Some of the most successful tribes are the Rippers, the Leg Breakers, the Skull Smashers, the Flesh Renders, the Marrow Suckers, the Flayers, and the Slow Killers. A great many hobgoblins live in the western part of the Empire of Iuz, and some in Bone March.  


Kobolds, also named celbit, are small, vicious, reptilian scavengers, picked on by every larger race. Their most numerous tribes include the Torturers, the Impalers, the Gougers, the Cripplers, and the Mutilators. Like goblins, they are found in many places.  


Evil orcs, or euroz, are all too common across the Flanaess. Undisciplined, bestial, and savage, orcs have severe tribal rivalries and do not cooperate unless controlled by a very strong leader. Major tribes include the Vile Rune, the Bloody Head, the Death Moon, the Broken Bone, the Evil Eye, the Leprous Hand, the Rotting Eye, and the Dripping Blade. Orcs are frequently encountered as mercenaries in the Empire of Iuz, Pomarj, Bone March, and across North Kingdom. Orc-ogre crossbreeds are particularly dangerous and are known in several areas.  


Gnolls, which the Flan call kell, are big, nocturnal, hyena-headed scavengers who band together very loosely. Their packs are riddled with infighting and treachery. Filthy and vile, gnolls are also strong and roam widely through every clime, threatening outlying areas. They take slaves but always look for more, as gnolls tend to eat them. Some of their largest and most feared warbands include the Scarsavage, Gashclaw, Lowgorge, Foulpelt, Retchtongue, and Battlehowl. Many gnolls dwell in the Pomarj and in Bone March.
An elf, a halfling, and a dwarf, working as a party.

Human Sub-Races

Baklunish   Flan   Oeridian   Suloise  

Demihuman Races

Elf   Dwarf   Gnome   Halfling  

Humanoid Races

Lizardfolk   Orc   Half-Orc